


(yo)uka ~ mai ka


Used to express a suggestion or invitation, often translated as 'shall we?' or 'why not?'

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Key Formation

  • Verb (short form) + ようか

    飲(の)むようか (Shall we drink?)

  • Verb (short form) + まいか

    食(た)べまいか (Shall we eat?)

Example Sentences

  • 映画を観(み)ようか? (Japanese Drama - Terrace House)

    Shall we watch a movie?


    Eiga o miyou ka?

  • 食(た)べに行(い)こうか?

    Shall we go eat?


    Tabe ni ikou ka?

  • 明日(あした)遊(あそ)びに行(い)こうか?

    How about going to play tomorrow?


    Ashita asobi ni ikou ka?

  • コーヒーでも飲(の)もうか?

    Shall we have a cup of coffee?


    Koohii demo nomou ka?

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Related Grammar, and what's the difference?

  • ~ましょうか (mashouka) - (N2)
    - Both '(よ)うか' and '~ましょうか' can be used to suggest or invite someone to do something together. '(よ)うか' is more colloquial and casual, while '~ましょうか' is more polite and formal.
  • ~てみませんか (te mimasenka) - (N2)
    - '(よ)うか' and '~てみませんか' can both be used to make suggestions or invitations. '(よ)うか' is less formal and used in casual conversations, while '~てみませんか' is more polite.
  • ~よう (you) - (N3)
    - '(よ)うか' and '~よう' both express intention or suggestion, but '(よ)うか' is used to invite or suggest doing something together, while '~よう' is used to express personal intention or suggestion.

Useful Vocabulary that appeared in this page

  • * 映画 (えいが)movie
  • * 観る (みる)to watch
  • * 食べる (たべる)to eat
  • * 行く (いく)to go
  • * 明日 (あした)tomorrow
  • * 遊び (あそび)play
  • * 飲む (のむ)to drink
  • * コーヒー (こーひー)coffee


Which of the following means 'Let's go shopping tomorrow?'

  • 明日(あした)買(か)い物(もの)しまいか?
  • 明日(あした)買(か)い物(もの)するか?
  • 明日(あした)買(か)い物(もの)しようか?