


you ga/(you)u to


Used to express two or more possible choices or conditions.

Personalized Lesson For You!

Key Formation

  • Verb (stem form) + ようが/(よ)うと

    行こうが行くまいが (Whether to go or not to go)

  • Noun + のようが/(よ)うと

    先生の言うようが言わないようが (Whether to follow the teacher's words or not)

Example Sentences

  • 忙しいようが、忙しくないようが、明日会議に出席してください。

    Whether you are busy or not, please attend the meeting tomorrow.


    Isogashii you ga, isogashikunai you ga, ashita kaigi ni shusseki shite kudasai.

  • 雨が降ろうと、風が吹こうと、イベントは予定通り行われます。

    Whether it rains or the wind blows, the event will proceed as planned.


    Ame ga furou to, kaze ga fukou to, ibento wa yotei doori okonawarimasu.

  • 賛成しようがしまいが、あなたの決断次第です。 (Unknown)

    Whether you agree or not, it's up to your decision.


    Sansei shiyou ga shimai ga, anata no ketsudan shidai desu.

  • 行こうと行くまいと、その問題には対処しなければならない。

    Whether you go or not, you must deal with that problem.


    Ikou to iku mai to, sono mondai ni wa taisho shinakereba naranai.

  • 食べようが食べまいが、元気になるためには食べることが大切です。

    Whether you eat or not, eating is important to regain energy.


    Tabeyou ga tabemai ga, genki ni naru tame ni wa taberu koto ga taisetsu desu.

Notes and Tips for JLPT students

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Related Grammar, and what's the difference?

  • にかけて (ni kakete) - (N2)
    - Both ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) and にかけて (ni kakete) express choices or conditions, but ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) is used to present two or more possible choices, while にかけて (ni kakete) is used to indicate a range or scale.
  • に関して (ni kanshite) - (N2)
    - While both ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) and に関して (ni kanshite) express choices or conditions, ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) is used to present two or more possible choices, while に関して (ni kanshite) is used to indicate a specific topic or subject.
  • か否か (ka ina ka) - (N1)
    - Both ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) and か否か (ka ina ka) express choices or conditions, but ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) presents two or more possible choices, while か否か (ka ina ka) presents a yes/no choice.
  • において (ni oite) - (N1)
    - While both ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) and において (ni oite) express choices or conditions, ようが/(よ)うと (you ga/(you)u to) is used to present two or more possible choices, while において (ni oite) is used to indicate a location, point, or aspect.

Useful Vocabulary that appeared in this page

  • * 忙しい (いそがしい)busy
  • * 会議 (かいぎ)meeting
  • * 出席 (しゅっせき)attendance
  • * (あめ)rain
  • * (かぜ)wind
  • * 吹く (ふく)to blow
  • * 予定通り (よていどおり)as planned
  • * 賛成 (さんせい)agreement
  • * しまい (しまい)not to do
  • * 決断 (けつだん)decision
  • * 次第 (しだい)depending on
  • * 行く (いく)to go
  • * 忘れる (わすれる)to forget
  • * 元気 (げんき)energy
  • * 大切 (たいせつ)important


Which of the following means 'Whether it's hot or cold, I will go swimming'?

  • 暑かろうが寒かろうが、私は泳ぎに行くつもりです。
  • 暑かろうと寒かろうと、私は泳ぎに行くつもりです。
  • 暑かろうが寒かろうと、私は泳ぎに行きません。