
あっての (atte no)

N1Very CommonExpressions

atte no


This expression is used to convey the meaning of 'thanks to', 'because of', or 'owing to'. It emphasizes the importance or necessity of a certain condition or factor for a situation to occur.

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Key Formation

  • Noun + あっての + Noun

    経験あっての成果 (Results thanks to experience)

  • Noun + の + Noun + あっての

    友達の応援があっての私の努力 (My efforts thanks to the support of my friends)

Example Sentences

  • 経験あっての成果だ。

    The results are thanks to the experience.


    Keiken atte no seika da.

  • 家族の支えあっての私の成功です。

    My success is thanks to the support of my family.


    Kazoku no sasae atte no watashi no seikou desu.

  • 友達の応援があっての私の努力です。

    My efforts are thanks to the support of my friends.


    Tomodachi no ouen ga atte no watashi no doryoku desu.

  • 音楽家として成功するためには、才能あっての努力が必要だ。

    To succeed as a musician, talent along with effort is necessary.


    Ongakuka toshite seikou suru tame ni wa, sainou atte no doryoku ga hitsuyou da.

  • 母の愛情こそ、あっての私の幸せだ。

    My happiness is thanks to the love of my mother.


    Haha no aijou koso, atte no watashi no shiawase da.

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Related Grammar, and what's the difference?

  • によって (ni yotte) - (N1)
    - Both あっての (atte no) and によって (ni yotte) express the cause or reason for a certain situation. However, あっての (atte no) emphasizes the importance or necessity of the condition, while によって (ni yotte) describes a more neutral cause-effect relationship.
  • に当たって (ni atatte) - (N2 - N1)
    - Both あっての (atte no) and に当たって (ni atatte) indicate the condition or factor necessary for a certain situation. However, に当たって (ni atatte) is used in more formal situations and implies a thorough consideration or preparation.
  • 結果として (kekka to shite) - (N2 - N1)
    - Both あっての (atte no) and 結果として (kekka to shite) express cause and result. However, あっての (atte no) emphasizes the importance or necessity of the condition, while 結果として (kekka to shite) focuses on the resulting outcome.
  • おかげで (okage de) - (N2 - N1)
    - Both あっての (atte no) and おかげで (okage de) express the cause or reason for a certain situation. However, あっての (atte no) emphasizes the importance or necessity of the condition, while おかげで (okage de) has a more general and thankful tone.

Useful Vocabulary that appeared in this page

  • * 経験 (けいけん)experience
  • * 成果 (せいか)results
  • * 家族 (かぞく)family
  • * 支え (ささえ)support
  • * 成功 (せいこう)success
  • * 友達 (ともだち)friend
  • * 応援 (おうえん)support
  • * 努力 (どりょく)efforts
  • * 音楽家 (おんがくか)musician
  • * 才能 (さいのう)talent
  • * 必要 (ひつよう)necessary
  • * 愛情 (あいじょう)love
  • * 幸せ (しあわせ)happiness


Which of the following means 'Thanks to the support of my friends'?

  • 友達の応援があっての私の努力です。
  • 経験あっての成果だ。
  • 家族の支えあっての私の成功です。